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Thumbnail Date Description
February 11, 2000

The deck is nailed in place: waiting for the epoxy to cure so we can rout the excess deck off.

February 11, 2000 Another shot of the deck.
February 11, 2000 Cockpit opening, we will add the coaming in about 2 weeks(next free weekend I have)
February 11, 2000 We got a pretty good camber(arc) on it.
February 11, 2000 Another
February 13, 2000 Excess deck all trimmed off with the router. We got it pretty close with a flush cutting bit, and we planed the rest off: up to 1/8 " in places, no more.
February 13, 2000 The boat, with the plane we were using.
February 13, 2000 Admiring our work.
February 13, 2000 And yet another.
February 13, 2000 Took the boat outside to sand the edges smooth, round them over with the power palm sander.
February 13, 2000 Another nice shot.
