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Help Mike's Kayak Site live on and grow! Proceeds help pay for web hosting costs and college.


What's New Welcome!

2-17-03 I've updated the page design somewhat. New web technologies are allowing me to improve my content management, so more updates to this site will soon be underway. I'm planning the construction of another kayak, and when I get started, look for some much improved content right here. The new website plans below are on hold for a while...but hopefully soon it will be online!

1-3-03 New Website Plans! I'm in the process of building a web tool that will allow me to build a much more dynamic site. Once complete, I can create a site for any project in a few minutes, and then just add content through a browser. This will result in a more organized website, that will let you find the information you need quickly. Plus, it will let me focus on getting the information out there fast, and not waste time fixing website tables and graphics. In the coming months I will be finding a web host that supports the new technology I am using, so be on the lookout for a new site, even bigger and better than this one!

Visit the Start to Finish Gallery to see pictures of the making of my boat.

Latest Pictures:

*click thumbnails to view full size picture*


Kayaking can be a great hobby. It encourages physical fitness, and allows you to get outside and enjoy nature. A very cost effective way to obtain an excellent kayak, is to build one yourself.

If you are looking for help concerning kayak building, you have come to the right place. I successfully completed construction of a Chesapeake Kayak from CLC Boats, and I have dedicated this site to showing it off and helping other boatbuilders out with their own boats.



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